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Whataya nuts?

Well, we'd finally lost it. Gone crazy. We had eaten so much of the same thing over and over again that sanity was starting to seem like an elusive idea. Luckily, when we arrived at Snoqualmie Pass we were greeted by a box of goodies from back home. In the box were four bags of nut mixes from St. Louis-based Whataya Nuts.

Frankly they're pretty solid trail snacks. And no, we aren't biased being from St. Louis or anything like that. Though it was nice to have some hometown support since we hiked with so many people from Portland, Seattle and all over California who received support and luxuries from home. We've eaten every kind of hiker food out there, from all the granolas, bars, oatmeal, and protein powder to peanut butter mixed with jelly in the jar. None of them offer such unique flavors. Whataya Nuts, on the other hand, provided nice variety. My personal favorite was the Maple Cinnamon Madness, followed by Stark Raving Chocolate. While we do need a ridiculous number of sheer calories, nutrition is still important. It's nice to know that those calories are healthy and not simply processed junk food. That's where Whataya Nuts excels. It's got the good fats that give hikers energy to put away big miles, but, ya know, without just being plain old nuts.

Being from St. Louis, it's nice to be reminded of home once in awhile without having to read national news. Not that jalapeño nuts bring St. Louis to mind, but you get the idea.


Dan and Jonathan